
If you are unsure of which training session you belong in just contact us and we’ll direct you to the right group.

We also are available for workouts with male youth and adults looking to grow their skill sets. Just fill in the Contact form and one of our coaches will reach out.


LEVEL 1 Youth Trainings

L1 Trainings are for athletes with limited volleyball experience where your serve is still very inconsistent.  They understand some of the basics of the game but still struggle to perform those basics with enough consistency and confidence to feel comfortable as they’re playing.  Basics here would mean:  passing, setting, attacking the ball with a measure of control.  In addition they’ve yet to understand some of the fundamental strategic elements of the doubles sand game.  L1 is the perfect place for them to come out and train and become equipped with the above skills by getting input and instruction from our coaches and seasoned players.

COST: $20 / Session or $70 / Month

Private sessions available - $30 per player.


LEVEL 2 Youth Trainings

L2 Trainings are for athletes who understand some of the nuance of the doubles game, and your ball control is decent enough to sideout at times but they are still needing to advance all elements of their game:  from serving, to passing, to setting, to attacking and your overall ability on defense.

L2 is for the player who is ready to become a decent sand player and ready to start competing against a decent level of competition.  They understand that working hard in the sand only grows their all around volleyball game and they’re excited to workout and train with others who feel the same passion you do to grow their game and compete at increasingly higher levels.

COST: $20 / Session or $120 / Month (Incl. 2 Free Sessions)

Private sessions available - $30 per player.


Meet Lance Jacobs.

Lance Jacobs has 30+ years of Volleyball experience, growing up in what many consider to be the birthplace of Beach volleyball, Manhattan Beach, California. Lance played the indoor game through his Junior College years and has played organized sand volleyball since he was in high school.